Me, 070108-070109...

Another one year of my life have passed…
Another stories to remember [and maybe to recite!]

Things that happen on my 2008 are…

[satu] Got my very own job, finally gak jobless lagi…jadi pengangguran itu gak enak! Suer…gw cuman rasakan itu selama tiga bulan…and believe me, it SUCKS!!!

[dua] Gw hijrah ke Djakarta…to live independently on board! It’s hard at first…but times surely ease it!

[tiga] Got my first salary…

[empat] Gw akhirnya merasakan susahnya kerja [berangkat jam setengah tujuh pagi, pulang jam sembilan malam] dan gampangnya ngabisin gaji sebulan hanya dalam hitungan hari…sigh!

[lima] Gw ngalamin sakit hati, even worse it happen di kantor…ugh, gak enak! Another backstabber to found!

[enam] Resolusi kerja gw terpenuhi, gw bisa nambah handphone!

[tujuh] Gw udah bisa pulang larut malam [yay, major breaktrough!]

[delapan] Obviously, nambah teman…nambah role model…nambah the adored ones! Not to mention, nambah musuh!

[sembilan] Hey, gw ud nyobain how *pete* taste like…and it’s surely gross. Gw jg memberanikan diri nyobain *lele*…hmm…not bad lah!

Yeah, 2008 sure teach me more than 2007 did!

Yet, I’m thankful to Allah SWT for giving me another second, another minute, another hour, another day, another week, another month, and another year to life in!

So, from the upcoming January 8th 2009 there will be another year for me to conquer…another year to teach me how amazing my life can be and how devastating they are to me! sampai 7 januari 2010 apa y?

Zul, makin tua? G ah...

PS : gak pake protes!

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