I’m happy…
Overwhelming happy…
I’m glad…
Overwhelming glad…
Though keuangan gw krisis [lagi…] –sigh-
Yet for now, gw kesampingkan semua masalah lain [termasuk masalah keuangan gw] !
Gw mau menyambut akhir tahun ini dan awal tahun depan dengan rasa syukur dengan “berita bahagia” ini…[it’s a progress!!!]
At least perjuangan gw untuk ngirim sms dan e-mail berbuah hasil!
At least i have something in return!!!
Zul, 31 Desember ini indah!
This song is always on my playlist, g peduli lagi kerja report, lagi jalan, lagi bersih2…
Not to mention that i set the player to play this song continuously [at WinAmp [repeat : track] at Music player [making a new playlist which only has this one song on it!]]
When you meet me, you must hear me singing this song!
Thought I was standing tall
I thought I´d seen it all
But baby I was wrong
Cause you´re the greatest
I walked a thousand miles
But nothing´s what I found
Until you came around
Cause you´re the greatest
Searched high and low for love just
To find out, that it was here all along
I know it , what I wanted it
I should have been chasing you
And I was reaching for the stars
But I didn´t have to look so far
Cause love is where you are
But I didn´t have a clue
And now I realize
That the stars are in your eyes
Cause you always shine
Baby , you´re the greatest
Thought everything had change
Until the day you came
And took away the pain
Baby, you´re the greatest
I always wore a frown
I never used to smile
Until you showed me how
Baby, you´re the gratest
Searched high and low for love just
To find out, that it was here all along
And I know it, what I wanted it
I should have been chasing you
And I was reaching for the stars
But I didn´t have to look so far
Cause love is where you are
But I didn´t have a clue
And now I realize
That the stars are in your eyes
Cause you always shine
Baby, you´re the greatest
Reaching for the stars and then I bumped into you
And I cannot believe that I was searching so long
Ohhh baby I´m so taken
And all that I need is look into your eyes
And I was reaching for the stars
But I didn´t have to look so far
Cause love is where you are
But I didn´t have a clue
And now I realize
That the stars are in your eyes
Cause you always shine
Baby, you´re the greatest
The song has a deep meaningful yet simple lyric!!!
Zul, me? The greatest? No, YOU ARE!!!
Bener g sih, kalau wallpaper atau screensaver di HP kita itu menggambarkan kepribadian kita?
Soalnya, waktu survey kmaren…sempat ngobrol bareng PIC regional ISAT…ngobrol mulai dari kerjaan, operator, HP, dan g tau kenapa koq berakhir di wallpaper…
PIC ISAT : “Mas, tau g? Kalau wallpaper kita itu bisa menggambarkan kepribadian kita?”
Gw [o’on mode ON] : “Heh? Masa sih?”
PIC ISAT : “Iya mas…kan wallpaper itu preference gitu! Selera kan bisa nunjukin kepribadian…”
Gw : “Ow, gitu y?”
PIC ISAT : “Coba aku liat HP mas deh…”
Gw : …
*HP ku ada tulisan “E=mc2” di wallpaper nya!
PIC ISAT : “Hmm…mas nge-fans ama Mariah Carey yak?”
Gw : …???
PIC ISAT : “E=mc2 kan album barunya Mimi…!”
Emang sih E=mc2 itu album barunya MC…tapi suer, gw g kepikiran kesitu!
Cuma seneng aj dengan Teori Kekekalan Energi nya Einstein!
Kalau dia lihat wallpaper di HP gw yang satu lagi…gimana y?
PIC ISAT : “Yang satu lagi mas…coba aku lihat!”
Gw : “Nih…”
*ngeliat ke gw…gw senyum2*
PIC ISAT : “Eh, mas…aku pergi dulu yak…bentar”
G berani ngomong ya?
Ya iyyalaaaaaahhhh…mau ngomong apa coba? Paling geleng2 aj!
Soalnya…di HP ku yang satu lagi, wallpapernya ada tulisan…
Zul, chuckle...
Perjuangan bangun setiap jam 3 selasa pagi hanya untuk Download Heroes Season 3 selesai juga…
Episode Completed!!!
I got the whole 13 episodes the HQ ones…though without the subtitle. But who needs the subtitle when you understand what they say?
"There is good and there is evil, right and wrong, heroes and villains. And if we’re blessed with wisdom, then there are glimpses between the cracks of each where light streams through. We wait in silence for these times when sense can be made, when meaningless existence comes into focus, and our purpose presents itself. And if we have the strength to be honest, then what we find there staring back at us is our own reflection, bearing witness to the duality of life. That each one of us is capable of both the dark and the light, of good and evil, of either, of all. And destiny, while marching ever in our direction, can be rerouted by the choices we make, by the love we hold onto and the promises we keep."
Next, nungguin episode terbaru Knight Rider ’08…
Zul, klo gw burn di CD…ada yang mau beli g y?
Hari ini...
08.00 am.
Gw balik...
Survey akhirnya kelar juga...
Report selesai...[tinggal finishing touch aja akhhhh...]
Selesai juga...
Zul, istirahat dulu ahhhh...
Ada proyek Survey DWDM ISAT lagi…
Glad to hear that, but unfortunately gw bakal kehilangan koneksi internet 24 jam gw!
Moreover, gw dan tim harus menyelesaikan survey 13 site dalam waktu seminggu!
Emang bisa?
Ahhhh…hope so!
Zul, Surabaya-I’m-coming!
Well, I don’t know…tapi sejak kemarin malam gw tertarik dengan program-program semacam Ads dan Afiliasi…
Yup, program semacam pay-per-click itu sepertinya ud menjamur…
And these are what I did…
[satu] Minta bantuan Om Google buat nyari situs yang nyediain afiliasi dan Ads.
[dua] Mendaftar di PayPal….[arrrghh, koq mesti pake credit card? Klo kita g punya? Gimana dong?]
[tiga] Mendaftar di situs penyedia afiliasi
[empat] Copy-Paste script…
[lima] Maksa semua teman yg OL buat klik2!
On YM…
With Mb Fie…
ZeaL oF Zhull : mb fie...
ZeaL oF Zhull : sibuk g?
helfiah thaif : g ada apa
ZeaL oF Zhull : tolong buka...http://thedivinechronicles.blogspot.com/
ZeaL oF Zhull : ntar di bagian kanan [THE AFFILIATION], tolong klik link disitu…
helfiah thaif : trussss
ZeaL oF Zhull : sudah di klik?
helfiah thaif : udah
ZeaL oF Zhull : yang paling bawah jg?
helfiah thaif : udah
ZeaL oF Zhull : sippp...
ZeaL oF Zhull : makasih
-= got one click =-
With Kang Ifan…
ZeaL oF Zhull: kang
ZeaL oF Zhull: ud g sibuk?
Ifan Yusuf : uda
ZeaL oF Zhull : siph
ZeaL oF Zhull : http://thedivinechronicles.blogspot.com/
ZeaL oF Zhull : tolong klik afiliasi di blog itu yak!
Ifan Yusuf : ur blog?
ZeaL oF Zhull : yup
-= yup, another click =-
With Rina…
ZeaL oF Zhull : rHeeNa_giE...
ZeaL oF Zhull : oi
rHeeNa _giE : oiiiiiiii
ZeaL oF Zhull : oi
ZeaL oF Zhull : oi
rHeeNa _giE : sul pinjam calculatormu
rHeeNa _giE : titip ma mba fia besok nah
ZeaL oF Zhull : ow
ZeaL oF Zhull : ok
ZeaL oF Zhull : tapi klik dulu afiliasi ku
ZeaL oF Zhull : sudah?
rHeeNa _giE : sudah
-= yay, more click =-
With Andar…
ZeaL oF Zhull : mas...
ZeaL oF Zhull : sibuk?
Andar : g
ZeaL oF Zhull : tolong km klik afiliasi di blog ku...
Andar : cie2...ikut bisnis nih
Andar : mana?
ZeaL oF Zhull : http://thedivinechronicles.blogspot.com/
ZeaL oF Zhull : sudah?
Andar : sep
-= yeah, another click to go =-
Akhhh…entah hari ini berapa banyak orang yang saya minta buat nyumbang “klik”!
Tapi pertanyaannya…
Au ah, better than nothing at all, lagian…nothing to loose kan?
Zul, in-searching-for-a-loyal-clicker!
I’m bored [again]
Engineer [the plain engineer ones] tinggal tiga orang…
Gw ada diantara tiga orang itu…
Unfortunately, the remaining two are already occupied for the next ISAT project at Batam Area…that means once again I got the honors to be the unoccupied ones!
Gw masih harus menunggu site Bawean siap…sigh
Then, the question pops up…
Guess not, gw harus bisa mensyukuri keadaan ini…GA [General Activity, istilah keren nya stand by-gak-ngapa2in-di-kantor-mulai-dari-pagi-sampai-sore!] kalau dipikir-pikir emang jadi bless buat gw jg!
Dengan gw ber-GA-ria,
Gw masih bisa chatting-sana-chatting-sini…
Gw masih bisa baca komik online [Lagi seru2nya baca D.Gray-Man!]
Gw masih bisa nyari2 program baru…
Gw masih bisa download lagu…
Gw masih bisa nyanyi2-gila2an…
Tapi buat yang terakhir sih…sebenarnya g ngenal kondisi, lagi meeting aja gw bisa nyanyi2 [bad-me!]
Oh iya, hari-hari belakangan ini, gw lagi doyan2nya nyanyi lagunya Daniel Powter-Best Of Me. Gw suka ngikutin falsetto-nya…falsetto-yang-bikin-oknum-"F"-ngiri-sampai-sampai-minta-diajarin-biar-bisa-falset…hihihihi, secara dia susah banget ngeluarin suara macam itu! Ahhh...God really bless me with the Tenor voice I have!
Anyway, kantor sepi…emang bikin awkward deh! I admit that!
Suasananya terasa kaku!
Zul, feeling-awkward-mending-nyanyi2-pake-falsetto!
Hari ini…kantor sepi!
Hampir semua Teknisi dan Engineer ud meluncur ke lapangan!
Proyek XL Submarine, SJJK Area akhirnya dimulai juga kemaren…
Me? Gw belum keluar…site buat gw blum bisa dikerjakan!
Unfortunately, gw masih harus berada dalam tim yang sama dengan Teknisi-gila-yang-bikin-sewot itu! Kali ini [katanya sih…] gw dituntut untuk bersikap professional [hoeeekk! Gw emang g layak nulis kata2 kayak gitu! Huh!], gw harus bisa bekerja sama dengan orang yang gw benci!
Gimana coba? Saat gw harus berkoordinasi dengan orang gw benci…masa gw manggil dia, “Hei, xxx…” dan didalam hati gw setelah gw panggil namanya,gw bergumam “…setan!”. See? Susah!
Again…unfortunately , proyek ini paling cepat membutuhkan waktu dua minggu!
The conditions for me…
[satu] gw harus stay di satu pulau kecil dan terpencil!;
[dua] gw harus stay out of modernization, gw bakal ketinggalan berita!;
[tiga] gw harus menyelesaikan tugas2 yang bakal berubah tiap harinya!;
[empat] gw harus hidup bersama orang yang g gw sukai, dan pengen banget membuang dia jauh-jauh;
Jadi ingat dengan reality show SURVIVOR [Outwit, Outplay, Outlast] !
Zul, dare-to-disturb-my-tribe-huh?
I really need a nice slap in the face, to wake me up [as if I’m dreaming!] dan karena emang gw butuh itu [bad me…bad me…ckckck!!!]
Belum seminggu setelah gajian…gw udah menghabiskan nyaris semua gaji gw!
Pasti karena kartu-kecil-seukuran-KTP-yang-tinggal-digesek-aja-kalau-di-kasir! Damn..[Huh, padahal salahnya siapa coba? Tapi, siapa lagi yang mesti disalahkan? Hahahaha!]
Anyway, sebentar lagi proyek Submarine-nya XL ud mau jalan…gw mesti siap2 nih, soalnya gw kebagian kerja di pulau Bawean [see my previous blog!], mesti nyetok ini itu!
Dengan sisa duit segitu…?
Zul, if-the-salary-won't-be-enough-then-i-gotta-find-an-investor, anyone?
Hari-hari belakangan ini…
Orang-orang pada g punya kerjaan lain y?
Found this message at my mail…
Isinya cuma menceritakan tentang dirimu sendiri!
Harusnya kamu ceritakan tentang gimana negara ini!
Gimana lingkungan masyarakat!
Kesannya kamu egois!
Tolong dipertimbangkan!”
Nemu lagi satu orang yang close-minded!
[satu] Inikan blog gw, mau2 gw dong mau gw isi apa! Terus klo gw jadiin blog ini isinya cuma cerita tentang gw…g salah dong?
[dua] Who are you to judge gitu? Standar mutu kamu itu gimana?
[tiga] Well, hello…hari gini cerita tentang lingkungan masyarakat dan negara? Ckckck…belum kenal detik.com ya pak? Atau okezone? Atau Liputan6? Atau…
Ahhh…entahlah, masih ada orang yang nasionalis banget yah? Curiga…guru PPKn yah? Dosen Kewarganegaraan yah? Dosen Kewiraan yah?
Buat kamu yang ngirim e-mail tadi [gw yakin kamu masih baca blog gw!], my big condolences…tapi blog gw ini belum akan membahas masalah kayak gitu…!
Why not making your own blog?
Let me help you named it…
Zul, siap-siap-di-SPAM!
PS: You know how to create a blog, right? [Hohohohohohoho!]
She, who always there to lighten up my load;
Zul, wish-she-was-here!
*the clock is ticking*
*emang jam digital ticking?*
Au ah…
Tapi hari ini, koq waktu terasa lambat yah?
Apa karena ada yang mengganjal lagi…dan lagi2 [masih] masalah clash kemaren?
Aneh deh…setelah “orang itu” tahu masalahnya…tentang who did what? Who hurt whom? And what I did to respond it [which is gw kembali ke tugas gw TANPA nyambi sana sini-ngerjain tugas si ini si itu!]…
Koq, kesannya gw yang salah?
Koq, kesannya gw jadi g bertanggung jawab?
Koq, kesannya gw selfish?
Dasar…manusia-manusia-udik-bergaji-besar! [angry vs envy nih?!?]
Aneh…responnya koq, “Loh, km g boleh gitu dong…itu namanya kamu lepas tanggung jawab! G boleh gitu dong…bla…bla…bla! Kamu mestinya gini-gitu-bla…bla…bla!”
Again…koq kesannya gw yang salah?
But in my defense, mau2 gw dong! Toh, I’m not paid for that “extra” job! So, it’s mine to choose…gw mau apa g! Hak gw dong kalau gw menghindari sesuatu yang rawan bikin gw meledak!
In my offensive mode, malah kesannya dia seenaknya menjerumuskan gw! Membuat gw merasa bersalah lalu akhirnya kembali ngerjain those-other’s-job without considering the clash before? No, thanks…but you fail!
Catet y…
Zul, the-wick-is-getting-shorter-by-day!-Dare-to-annoy-me-anyone?
Hari ini…ada training!
Something about Project Managing…
Talking bla…bla…bla…
Saat gw ud bosan…gw cuma bikin ini…Huahuahuahuahuahuahuahua…
Thanks to my newly downloaded Corel Draw X3 SP2 Portable…
Salahkah gw…
Jika gw g lagi interested in that stuffs?
Salahkah gw…
Jika gw g curious dengan training kali ini?
Salahkah gw…
Jika saat training, gw sibuk dengan Corel Draw?
G tau terima kasih kah gw…
Saat gw tau pentingnya training ini, dan gw cuman main2 aj?
G tau terima kasih kah gw…
Saat gw tau budget untuk training ini besar, dan gw nyantai2 aj?
Salah yah?
G tau terima kasih yah?
Iya yah?
Iya g sih?
Masih bagus gw cuman menggambar di Corel....gmn seandainya gw bosan, terus gw menyulam, menganyam, atau tereak2?
Zul, SPANK-me-SLAP-me-HIT-me-WHIP-me-HATE-me!
I got curious by what-so-called-Sinetron-Pilihan by yesterday…catch a quote on it, [setelah si A kejar2an dengan si B…ihhhk, so-much-India!-walau-tanpa-nyanyi2-keliling-taman!] “Gw tau gimana km…suer…gw tau gimana km!”, and suddenly the-rebel-which-they-called-“bitchy”-me pops out!
Because somehow deep inside of it…there’s a secret or two that well-buried inside!
Don’t you too naïve if you think, “I know who you are…!”?
Do you ever realize that someone is changing from time to time?
That life is just like a movie frames…where the frames are connected to each other; and somehow they connected to form a “chain of life”.
And you are such a fool to judge someone by only a frame or two! And you’re completely selfish if you think you KNOW all the frame of someone, because believe me…you DON’T and you WON’T!
Pernahkah kalian kecewa saat kalian berfikir bahwa kalian tahu-dan-paham akan pola fikir seseorang…dan ternyata yang kalian fikir itu salah besar?
Well, sorry to say guys…no need to disappoint!
Repeat after me…
So, sometime, somehow, I don’t know them!
[Furthermore, ngapain merhatiin orang melulu? G ada kerjaan lain pak? Huh?]
Changes are not Preventable and Deniable…and somehow it’s hard to be Acceptable!
But if you won’t change then you’ll be left behind!
Huahhhh*yawning…ngomong apa sih?
Zul, wise-speaking-is-so-much-not-me!
Why there so many people who complaining about what I’m doing right now?
[satu] Mengenai pekerjaan, sudah berapa banyak orang yang menyarankan untuk “kembali” ke tugas-tambahan-gw-sebelumnya-yang-menjadi-penyebab-clash-yang-terjadi-minggu-kemaren! Mereka menyayangkan tindakan gw…should I follow their advices? But, siapa yang bisa menjamin kalau kejadian kemaren g bakal terjadi lagi?
[dua] Mengenai blog ini, someone told me to use LABEL appropriately each time I’m posting a blog! But in my defense, LABEL digunakan agar indexing posting jadi lebih mudah kan? Tapi kalau postingannya masih terhitung jari…perlu g sih?
[tiga] Mengenai selera musik gw-yang-katanya-selalu-cenderung-ke-musik-barat! Ihk, so-much-not-open-minded-banget-sih…bukan salah gw kan kalau kuping gw lebih nyaman dengar lagu dari luar? Toh, gw g menutup mata (menutup mata…atau menutup kuping y?) dengan musik dalam negeri! Sering denger koq…cuman jarang doyan aj! Hihihihi! Tapi saat gw lebih suka dengar STAR SPANGLED BANNER…koq gw dibilang g nasionalis?
[empat] Katanya sekarang gw mesti bicara dengan lantang! Heh? Katanya suara gw terlalu lembut! Sorry to say, but again, in my defense…mereka tau g sih tentang jenis2 suara? Don’t blame me to have that soothing Tenor voice of mine! Hihihihi… Please deh…susah dong klo suara gw dibandingin dengan suara mereka-mereka yang jelas-jelas Pure Bass!
[lima] Mengenai gw yang malas banget klo keluar rumah tanpa taksi! Heh? Duit…duit gw! Sapa kamu? Toh, klo tua-tua bulan gw juga pakai angkot-metromini-kopaja-trans Jakarta! G ada hal lain yang mesti diurusin gitu?
So, in conclusion…sibukkan diri kalian so that you don’t have to follow mix [read: ikut campur! Hihihihi!] everyone else’s business! Mind your own business gitu!
Zul, gw-sudah-cukup-sibuk-koq!-toh-gw-masih-punya-spare-time-buat-ngerecokin-orang-lain!-S.L.A.P.!
Iya kan?
Saat situasi “panas”…
Semua orang jadi bersumbu pendek…
Disinggung dikit aj, langsung meledak!
Iya kan?
Saat kita lagi musuhan…
Kita nyari orang lain untuk jadi pendukung kita!
Iya kan?
Saat kita lagi musuhan…
Apapun yang dilakukan oleh orang itu…
Selalu buruk di mata kita!
Iya kan?
Iya kan?
Eh…apa iya?
Zul, iya-ga-iya-ga-iya-ga—au-ah!
It’s 3 o’clock in the morning when I realize that I’m already too sleepy!
Argghh…penasaran bgt jadinya! Nyari singer [probably band!] dan judul lagunya hanya berbekal sepenggal lirik!
Something likes this…
“Ohhh…it’s what you do to me”
Jingle Close Up yang satu ini emang bisa gw bilang thumb up deh! Tapi nyari yang full version nya…beugh, usahanya ud two thumbs up tapi masih g ketemu2 juga!
Ud nyoba googling dengan berbagai macam keyword…tapi koq ujung2-nya ketemu PWTS – Hey There Delilah!
Emang sih liriknya mirip, tapi please deh Monsieur Google…this isn’t what I’m looking for!
Nyerah ah, it’s late at night already…dan belum nemu2 juga! Mau tidur…tanggung bgt! Daripada kecewa…mending download Knight Rider ’08 episode 5 & 6! Hihihihi!
At least, gw g sia-sia begadang!
Someone out there, do any of you know this jingle?
Zul, sorry-but-this-time-pakde-google-mengecewakan!-pake-Limewire-bisa-g-yah?
Label: Jingle
Today, the-boss manggil gw...
and asking me lot's of stuffs!
He knows that I’m disappointed and he asking me…”Are you OK?”
Hell no…
He knows what the problem but he's asking me what’s happen with me?
He knows that I’m trying to be alone at the moment, back to the basic, working the stuffs that I’ve been paid for…and he ask me to help him to do those management-stuffs?
Sorry, but it’s a big “NO”!
He says that he heard that a few days ago I’m having a problem with someone in the office [see…he ACTUALLY knows the problem!], and he told me not to think about it!
Sorry, MAYBE I can do it, but the SCAR will NEVER fade away!
Gw g tau klo the-boss punya niat baik atau cuma mau basa-basi aj…my condolences but it’s a big no!
Now…I announce that…
Me…Zul Fadjri D
Who has been paid for working as an Engineer!
From this time, won't do the “nyambi” stuffs again!
Back to the basic
Working as what they’ve paid me for!
Though I’m thanking them to give me chances to know how it feels to manage the people around me!
Appreciate that!
Ups, did I mentioned before that I’m full of hatred and resentment?
Zul, crowned-for-the-man-who-will-not-explode-every time-he-angry-but-sure-will-full-of-hatred!-hate-me-if-you-want!
At least!
Akhirnya pindah juga ke blogspot, padahal sebelumnya gw berusaha berkeras di friendster's blog-yang-walaupun-gak-hebat-hebat-amat-dibandingkan-dengan-blog-blog-lain-dengan-widgetnya-tapi-udah-nyaman-banget!
Baru bikin account tadi pagi, rada pusing juga...
Sebenarnya yang bikin malas bikin blog di blogspot itu cuma karena mesti mikirin nama ini itu buat blog nya...
With no further explanation, i choose Zhull's Space...biar sama aj dengan blog gw sebelumnya!
The nominee are...with the comment
1. zealoftransforming, [ok, tp mayb krn ada kt transformx jd mikir ini jdl film?!, bosan jg selalu pake nick zeal!]
2. divinechronicles, [quite meaningfull, simple yet great!]
3. abandonedscars, [it's abandoned-scars, not abandoneds-cars!!! :p]
4. againsttheworld, [tapi koq kesannya pasaran banget?, rebel!]
Akhirnya pakai yang ke-2, tapi ud ada yang punya!!! Ih, g kreatif banget sih orang itu...pake niru2 bakal nama blog gw! Sirik aj!
Daripada ganti nama...mending tambahin "the"...dan jadilah alamatnya...thedivinechronicles.blogspot.com
Ughhh, mesti nyari nama lagi...tapi mesti ada hubungannya dengan nama blog sebelumnya di eFeS...
JusT the Chronicles of riSe and Fall froM mY ordinary Life...
And then it will be...
The Epitome oF Rise and Fall
So, everyone...
Zhull's Space
The Epitome oF Rise and Fall
Zul, semoga-aja-penulisan-blog-gw-makin-membaik--amin!
Label: ZeaL